Tuesday, February 28, 2017

It’s Accessible

Last Friday afternoon, the LeMans saw the light of day for the first time in nearly thirteen years. After filling the tires with air (TYL that they held air), it only took an hour to clear a path and yank the car out of its long-term slumber.

I made an attempt at documenting the event on video and have posted it on YouTube (click here).. Part of the video is a walk-around with narrative. A couple movie-making issues I need to address are the remote start/stop fob that came with the tripod and the difficulty in seeing the display outside. I’ve toyed with the idea of buying a dedicated digital video camera, but that’s money better spent on the project. I’ll keep my eyes on Craigslist and maybe something decent will show up for a steal of a price.

Back to the car. All was as I remember it. Dry storage appears to have been kind. Much kinder than the wet storage the car endured during its ten year tenure in Lynchburg. My current priority is pulling the drivetrain so I can rebuild the engine with new pistons, rings, and gaskets (remember this engine only has a couple hundred miles on it, so bearings should be fine). With the engine torn down, I’ll clean out all the passages. The transmission, a Super Turbine-300, will get torn down, cleaned, and reassembled using a rebuild kit. Having done the same thing to a Corvair’s PowerGlide, I’m confident I’ll end up with a nice shifting slushbox when I’m done. I’m not looking to race this car, just cruise, so the two-speed will suffice just fine.

So, the current plan is to focus on the car, not the workspace. The project to refinish the stall behind the garage is stalled. The car will stay parked in the portable garage and I’ll pull parts and pieces into the main garage to refinish or refurbish.

The next time I have a willing helper, I'll remove the hood. That'll cross the next item off my To-Do list.

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