Thursday, October 26, 2017

Slowly, but Surely

Last Sunday I was able to work on the LeMans. I continued working on the doors, this time pounding and prying the dents around the side view mirror on the driver's door. Click here to watch the YouTube video I posted. At the end of the video, I've finished applying the Bondo, but that wasn't the end of my car work for the day. After setting aside the driver's door, I moved on to the passenger door with it's nasty crease. Not shown in that video, but in a video that's in the works, is my whining about how hard it would be to deal with the significant crease in the lower part of the passenger door. The following images are screen captures from the raw video and compare the bad (creased) to the good (factory-made).

After spending some frustrating moments trying to pound the crease out from the inside of the door, I gave up and decided there had to be way, using my MIG welder, pull out the dent. I needed to do it on the cheap, so that's what I searched for a day later. Not surprisingly someone had made a video of their cheap and effective means of pulling dents out of car panels. I will make the lever shown and use washers I've got lying around. It looks like the only thing I'll need to buy is the s-hook.

Then, for something completely different, I proceeded to remove the carburetor and disassemble it. I'm going to give it a soak in carburetor cleaner before putting all back together with the new thermostat coil and rebuild kit that I picked up at the Hershey Swap Meet.

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